Medical Education at Marden

If you are interested in GP training at Marden please contact Dr Houghton or Dr Butler at the practice.

The Education at Marden

The doctors and staff at Marden are firmly committed to the principles of continued professional development and regular appraisal. This applies to all staff.

Marden has been approved for GP training since 1997 and since then there has continuously been a GP registrar in post.

Drs Houghton and Butler have been on approved trainers courses and there is active participation in the Shropshire Trainers Group.

All new registrars are given a 2-3 week induction period, during which they have the opportunity of sitting in with a variety of team members in order to familiarize themselves with our staff and the roles in which they are engaged. An intensive series of tutorials runs in parallel with this, with the aim of providing the registrar with the basic resources with which they can begin doing their own surgeries.

There is active support from the nominated trainer to ensure that the registrar is working within their capabilities. The registrar is expected to do 8 surgeries per week though there is often time in the middle of the day for private study. They are expected to attend the weekly meetings of the VTS group.

Formal tutorials are given on a weekly basis. The content of the tutorial is determined by exploration of the registrar’s personal learning needs, rather than by sticking to a preordained curriculum. Tutorials are given by all the partners according to their personal clinical interests.

In addition the trainer will meet with the registrar regularly throughout the week for case discussion and for opportunistic learning. The emphasis is on encouraging a self directed learning style, with the registrar being given the opportunity to learn from a variety of resources and individuals in the team. There are regular educational meetings organised within the practice; for many of these speakers from outside the practice are invited. The registrar is encouraged to attend clinical meetings with the doctors and nurses as well as the larger primary care team meetings.

The practice regularly hold edcational events and the  registrar is encouraged to join in with these meetings. We are keen that the registrar should feel that they are welcomed into the practice as valued members of the team.

Above all, the year of GP training at Marden should be an enjoyable one, and it is expected that a confident and well rounded fledgling GP should emerge, equipped with all the resources necessary for a challenging career in primary care.
Marden has been approved for teaching students from Keele University Medical School. Year 3, 4 and 5 are placed with the Practice, offering them the opportunity to practice their clinical skills with our patients with close support from the doctors.

Education is generally needs-based rather than through formal tutorials. Feedback so far has been excellent. Two of the doctors at Marden have been approved as tutors at Keele University Medical School.
Practice educational days occur about 3 times per year. The surgery closes for a day or half a day and all members of staff are given the opportunity to fulfil learning needs in a venue away from the practice.

All new staff are offered a period of induction into their role. There is wide-ranging in-house training and staff are offered opportunities to attend educational events outside the practice where this is appropriate.

There are annual appraisals of all staff in which learning needs are discussed and education planned.

There is a practice library which is regularly restocked with up-to-date books. The practice subscribes to a number of medical publications. Much use is made also of on-line educational resources.