
Death is an inevitable fact of life. However, may of us never think about what we need to do until we are faced with the situation. 

It is at this time you need all the help and support possible to help you through the grieving process. We at the surgery are available to give you advice, guidance and information on the practical steps you may need to know about.

These are things that you will have to do:

Telephone the doctor and they will visit to confirm that death has taken place, and also tell you how to obtain the Death Certificate.

Contact a Funeral Director who will be able to advise you on the registration procedures.
Contact a Funeral Director to let them know that their services will be required.

Collect the doctor’s death certificate from the hospital.
Make an appointment to take the death certificate to the registrar’s office for the area in which the death took place. Also take the deceased’s medical card, if available, and also details of the Birth Certificate. The registrar will then issue you with a green form.

Take this green form to the funeral director who will take over responsibility for arranging for arranging the funeral and allow you to grieve in peace.

Family Support With Bereavement

Marden Patient Group now has dedicated members focusing on supporting patients who have lost someone close to them.

Our Patient Group is able to signpost you to outside agencies, offer guidance in how to deal with administrative tasks and even help you to share experiences with other people.

If you need any support in this area, please contact:

Zoe George (Practice Manager)
Telephone: 01743 241313
Zoe will be able to advise you on the help and support available.